
whenitrytoopenthegameigetthismessage:[Unsupportedcpu:CPUdoesnothavePOPCNT!]isearchitongooglebutnothingappearshelp.,whenitrytostartapexlegendserrorpopsupandsayscpudoesnotgavepopcntandsawthatthisprobleisforallcputhatwererealeseduntil2008and ...,幫幫我拜託.,2020年11月5日—IgetthiserroreverytimeItrytolaunchthegame.,2020年11月5日—IgetthiserroreverytimeItrytolaunchthegame.,apex英雄亡灵:重新崛起的神...


when i try to open the game i get this message : [ Unsupported cpu: CPU does not have POPCNT! ] i search it on google but nothing appears help.

Solved: Re

when i try to start apex legends error pops up and says cpu does not gave popcnt and saw that this proble is for all cpu that were realesed until 2008 and ...

CPU doesn't have popcnt

2020年11月5日 — I get this error every time I try to launch the game.

CPU doesn't have popcnt :

2020年11月5日 — I get this error every time I try to launch the game.

《Apex英雄》CPU does not have POPCNT怎么办 ...


is there an actual way to fix "cpu does not have popcnt

2022年1月4日 — i know its because my cpu is too old but is there a way i can get around it.

Error: cpu does not have POPCNT

2019年7月8日 — Using a quad core processor but still am receiving this error. Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.4 Ghz.


